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Fire-resistant external steel door


  • Fire resistance class: EI230
  • Smoke tightness: Sₐ/S200
  • Max width: 2760 mm
  • Max height: 3170 mm
  • Sound insulation Rw: 41 dB
Inspecta Estonia OÜ

Recommended use

External door used in industrial buildings, dwellings and office buildings, where fire resistance class of the door must be EI230.

Certificate of conformity

Fire-resistance has been tested in testing laborotory of TÜV Eesti OÜ in Tallinn according to standard EN 16034:2014 and certified by Inspecta Estonia OÜ in accordance with the standard 16034:2014 with a certificate 1336-CPR-0209 and fire-resistance class EI230.

Ask price

RAL9010 RAL7001 RAL8014 RAL7024 RAL9006
Standard tones are shown but all RAL colors are available.
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