Documents and manuals
Guarantee and delivery terms
AS Saku Metall Uksetehas shall offer a 2 (two) years guarantee for products produced by AS Saku Metall Uksetehas, against becoming evident of possible defects in the construction, manufacturing and materials and a factory’s guarantee of the manufacturer of products that are to be assembled as a result of production. The warranty period shall commence when the product is handed over to the purchaser. An invoice or purchase receipt certifying the purchase that is prepared according to the requirements shall form a base for the warranty.
Open the Warranty Terms: Warranty Terms
Open the Delivery Terms: Standard Delivery Terms
Solid steel door certificates
- Single and double leaf external steel door Q
- Single leaf fire resistant steel door FQ EI30
- Single leaf fire resistant external steel door FQ EI30
- Single leaf fire security steel door FQ EI30
- Single leaf external fire resistant security steel door FQ EI30 RC3
- Burglar protective doors Fire security steel door FQ EI30 RC3 single leaf
- Single and double leaf fire resistant steel door FQ EI60, double leaf fire resistant steel door FQ EI30, double leaf fire resistant steel door FQL EI30/60
- Single and double leaf fire resistant external door FQ EI60, double leaf fire resistant steel door FQ EI30, double leaf fire resistant steel door FQL EI30/EI60
- Single leaf steel door FQ64LT EI60 RC3 and RC4
- Single and double leaf fire resistant steel door FQ 100 EI120
- Fire resistant metal-hatch FQ EI30 and FQ EI60
- Fire resistant sliding door FL EI60
Steel profile products certificates
- External steel profile door Forster Unico
- Burglar protective doors Profile security door Unico RC3
- External steel profile door Forster Presto
- Non-loadbearing Forster Presto steel profile wall E30
- Single leaf and double leaf door with or without side and transom panels E30 made of system Forster Presto
- Single leaf and double leaf door with or without side and transom panels E60 made of system Forster Presto
- Non-loadbearing Forster Fuego Light steel profile wall EI30
- Non-loadbearing Forster Fuego Light steel profile wall EI60
- Single leaf and double leaf door with or without side and transom panels made of system Forster Fuego Light EI30 (Certificate of conformity)
- Single leaf and double leaf door with or without side and transom panels made of system Forster Fuego Light EI30 (Certificate of constancy of performance)
- Single leaf and double leaf door with or without side and transom panels made of system Forster Fuego Light EI60 (Certificate of conformity)
- Single leaf and double leaf door with or without side and transom panels made of system Forster Fuego Light EI60 (Certificate of constancy of performance)
- Single and double leaf Forster Fuego Light sliding door EI30
Installation Instructions
- Installation manual for metal doors
- Installation manual for steel door counter frame
- Installation manual for fire-resistant steel hatch FQ EI30 and EI60
- Installation manual for fire-resistant security steel door FQ EI30
- Installation manual for fire-resistant steel sliding door FL75 EI60 (MFD091)
- Installation manual for fire-resistant steel sliding door FL75 EI60 (MFD090)
- Installation manual for fire-resistant steel doors FQ(L) EI30, EI60 and EI120
- Installation manual for fire-resistant profile product Forster Presto E30
- Installation manual for fire-resistant profile product Forster Presto E60
- Installation manual for fire-resistant profile product Forster Fuego Light EI30
- Installation manual for fire-resistant profile product Forster Fuego Light EI60
- Installation manual for external profile product Forster Unico
- Installation manual for external profile product Forster Presto
- Installation manual for internal profile product Forster Presto
- Installation manual for profile sliding door
- Installation manual for security profile door Forster Unico RC3
- Installation manual for profile product Forster Presto XS
- Installation manual overhead doors RES200
- Installation manual overhead doors RES350
Maintenance and user manuals
Non-performing of maintenance of door and abnormal use of the door will be the basis for termination of warranty provided to the door by AS Saku Metall Uksetehas. To ensure product long term and correct operation, we recommend a maintenance contract with AS Saku Metall Uksetehas. We recommend that you visit products maintenance and user manuals.